I am thirty. I am 30… woah, wow!? How did we get here? If you know, you know that in this post we are talking about Saturn Returns. The big kahuna of movements in a chart that gets quite a lot of press is the first Saturn Return. And if you’re lucky and live to be sixty or even ninety it’s not your last. But this post is less of a “What is a Saturn Return?” and more of this is “What’s gonna happen to Jem during her Saturn Return?” The breakdown will go like this; 1. Briefly explain the astrological connotations of a Saturn Return
2. Explore Saturn in Pisces (my Saturn Position)
3. Look at my Saturn Return chart and explore the central themes that are coming
Out of all the astrological events of life, Saturn Returns easily takes first prize for intense emotional distress and upheaval. The birth of my second daughter initiated my Saturn Return. I was launched from there into an intense period of postpartum anxiety and depression. To be clear, I am still in my Saturn Return. What is a Saturn Return?
Well, a return, generally speaking in astrology is when a planet makes a complete cycle, coming back to the position it began in. All the planets orbit around the sun in oblong circles. Their gravity, spin, size, and mass, inform the speed and process in which a planet makes a full 360 cycles. On Earth, this is called New Years; cultures define this either by solar or lunar completions. In astrology “New Years” or returns as we call them, are demarcated by your birth chart. If you’re born on May 12th, 1994 (such as myself) then all the planetary returns are marked by the signs the planets were in on your birth.
For example: Every year you have a solar eclipse because the Earth has made one full rotation around the sun! Each year, on your birthday, you can pull that year’s chart to read the portal of your year. You can also do this for Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These planets are interpreted with significant meaning for the individual and thus their return shapes great meaning in that person’s life.
Each year, I cast my solar return chart. This year I noticed something big but before we get there let’s go back to the start of my Saturn Return…My Saturn Return started in March of 2023. My daughter’s birth was three days before Saturn ingressed into Pisces, my natal placement for Saturn. Anyone who has traversed through the dreamy, life-changing, dysmorphic landscape (and knows a little about astrology) can concur Saturn in Pisces is just like being postpartum. What is very real, is very much not real, and real all the same. My Saturn in Pisces squares my Gemini Moon. According to Vedic interpretations of my chart, the birth of my daughter at the start of my Saturn Return was destined. 🤯 Does this also hint at a granddaughter in thirty years, hmmm?
Saturn is the karmic resource, entity, and embodiment of our chart. For thirty years, like a great-grandparent, it follows alongside us in life. Tracking our deeds, and our actions, and gently nudging us towards our destiny while also keeping us in integrity.
Saturn is the parental eye in the sky and is mostly a hands-off parent until your Saturn Return. If you’re way off course of your destiny, you’ll experience a lot of upheaval. If you’re on course but a little wonky on what you’re supposed to do or who you’re supposed to be, expect to receive clarity but a lot of sadness too. You might even have destined or karmic initiations baked into your chart (like me). If you’ve been playing outside of the rules, being a bully, or a bad guy expect to receive that backlash in the next couple of years.
In the midst of all this information, you might be wondering how YOUR Saturn Return is playing out. Feeling lost or stuck? A personalized reading with a trained astrologer can shed light on your unique path and empower you to navigate this transformative time. Book your Saturn Return reading today! Members of Myst receive return readings as part of their membership.
Of course, if you’re not paying attention to synchronicities or subtle life changes you may not notice the patterns playing out in your Saturn Return. I have been studying astrology, hosting workshops, and interpreting charts for five years and I knew my Saturn Return was coming. I had the arrogance of every twenty-something who loves astrology, “because I am prepared it won’t be so bad…” Now all the 90s babies are either just exiting, in the midst of, or on the precipice of their Saturn Return. Zillienials have their Saturns in Capricorn (90-91), Aquarius (91-94), Pisces (94-97) and Aries (97-99). I’ll say it now, my arrogance, my preparedness, did not prepare me at all.
Unveiling Your Piscean Saturn Return: Dreams, Discipline, and Transformation
If you were born between 1994-1997 you’ve got a Pisces Saturn and the Return is eminent. Saturn being like the great parent of the sky, rules our chart externally by calculating our karma and acting as an enforcer of rules and boundaries but also as an internal compass that informs our sense of responsibility. Pisces is the opposite of Saturn. If Saturn craves boundaries and restrictions, Pisces wants to merge with the universe. If Saturn wants to be responsible, Pisces wants to go day-tripping down the river. The priorities of Saturn and Pisces are at odds, making those that hold this placement subject to a life-long pursuit of striking a balance between self-indulgence and responsibilities; caring for others and caring for themselves; playing by the rules and making their own rules; work and play.
In many ways, the Saturn in Pisces generations can have an extremity to them. They can seem chaotic and headstrong all at once. They can be workaholics or social justice advocates without the ability to make a difference. They may appear to fit into the diagnosis criteria of neurodivergence without those labels being truly applicable. They can be co-dependent softies with a tendency to explode with anger. Their priorities can be mismatched to reality, needing a project manager just for their morning routine. They will pinch pennies but then splurge on a nice dress, the emotional costs drowning out their rationale. They’ll be detail-oriented but frequently miss key details. Are you getting the picture?
In astrology, there are positions that planets may take that put them in a “fallen” position or a non-benefit position. This can mean a lot of struggle in this area or a wound that can be alchemized into a gift. To give examples, the fallen positions for the Moon is Scorpio, the Sun is Libra, and Saturn is Aries. Saturn in Pisces isn’t fallen by definition but it is 30 degrees from falline. When you have a placement in a fallen position or close to it it doesn’t mean your life will be bombarded with tragedy (although it might), it doesn’t mean you’re going to have endless suffering (although you might), it means that there is alchemical work to do in this area for the participant. For those with Saturn in Pisces, their long-time work is striking that balance between self-indulgence and responsibility. This will play out in different environments depending on what house Saturn is in.
My Saturn is in the 10th house, meaning I am to learn how to strike this balance in my work, and career, in the long-long-term. Will I ever have an answer to this question? Will I ever have master dominion over my troubles? Will I one day be able to make people see me not as lazy, controlling, or chaotic, but as a responsible, nurturing, well-deserved success? Most likely, no.
Having a 10th house Saturn means two things: 1) I am subject to projections of other people and their perceptions of me dictating a “true persona” 2) When in the right environment and company my work will supersede projections and allow me to practice this karmic work correctly. Alternatively, this also means if I am in the wrong environment or with the wrong people my sense of self can be washed away and replaced by the projections of others. It is critical for me to not only be with people who value me and appropriately challenge me but also be in the right line of work.
What does my Saturn Return have in store for me? What does the great parent of the sky have to say about my karmic ties, debts, etc.
I turned thirty on May 12th, 2024. My mother turned sixty. We share a birthday and thus are karmically tied via our Saturn Placements. My Saturn being in my 10th house it is no wonder that I have accepted a job working with my mother. In this way, we are massaging our karmic debts in the partnership of work. But let’s take a look at the actual chart!
If this chart feels obscure, complicated, or overwhelming I invite you to skip over it. If you feel attracted or intrigued I invite you to engage with it. If you have any insights or interpretations I invite your ideas in the comments or in a DM.
Important points about my Saturn Return
This year I am having a lot of returns or cycle fulfillments. Not only is my Saturn in a return but also Mars and Venus return in conjunction with my 30th solar return. This is a huge birthday gift. One I will not take lightly and be responsible for aligning myself with. To have the universe in a place where it can both receive and create the manifestations of my own will and desire means I need to be careful with what I pray for, how I act, and how I relate.
Having my Sun natally in my 12th house is a weak position for the sun. I’ve come to know it fondly as a shade tree. But it further cements that projection issue. This year, with the sun (and Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter) in the noon position at the time of my return I can expect unexpected blessings, and experiences that inflate/inform my depressed sense of self. In many ways, this year will publically alter my self-position.
My home will also change. (Moon in Cancer, 2nd house). I found out that we would have to move on the date of my solar return.
How I interpret my Saturn Return
My Saturn return is bringing me into the public light in a new way, ways I’ve never experienced before. It’s a year marked by beauty and opportunity. It’s not to be wasted; each day must be held in high esteem and gratitude. It will make me dig into my values and hold them up even under intense pressure. I will be seen in ways that might make me feel vulnerable and uncomfortable and I will need to be prepared with coping strategies for those moments.
In a more casual way, HOLY SH*T! You’re about to receive a bunch of rewards, blessings, and goodness (Venus, Jupiter, Uranus conjunct Sun) What you want to build has fertile ground to take root and shine. (Venus in Gemini, Mars in Aries, Returning) But are you ready for success? (Saturn in Pisces, returning) Can you hold these gifts with high esteem and humbleness? (Transiting Mercury conjoined Natal Mars, square Neptune) Or are you going to be self-destructive about it? (Natal Pluto opposes transiting Uranus, Venus, Jupiter, Sun)Your work will pop off if you continue to work diligently and patiently. (Sun on the MC)You’ll be tested with shiny objects and glamourous opportunities that’ll take you off the path so be discerning. Stay humble, stay grateful, and pray for integrity. A longer term success is on its way, so don’t let fame or fortune go to your head. (Transiting Pluto in Aquarius) You do not actually know what you’re doing, yet.
You might be wondering how YOUR Saturn Return is playing out. Feeling lost or stuck? A personalized reading with a trained astrologer can shed light on your unique path and empower you to navigate this transformative time. Book your Saturn Return reading today!
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